Збіраем падпісы за магчымасць вывучаць беларускую мову ў польскіх школах

Development Of Alternative Belarusian Education System
in the Present Conditions
Moving together towards new opportunities
Warsaw, Poland
representatives of Belarusian independent educational initiatives, international partners, professors, teachers, students
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Coordination Council
resource Centre “Ruch Solidarności Białoruskiej”, International Consortium “EuroBelarus”

Introduction and Opening Address
Panel session “Immigration: opportunities and challenges”

Coffee break
Panel session “International institutions’ support of Belarusian education”

Lunch break (standing buffet)
Presentation of education initiatives (pre-school, secondary school, professional schools, universities, academic initiatives)
Interactive panel discussion “Existing initiatives of alternative education”

Coffee break

Closing of the conference

Informal networking
analysis of main challenges for Belarusian education system and discussion of the development strategy of alternative education system in the present conditions
review active initiatives and opportunities for the development of Belarusian alternative education system;
define main directions of reformation in education sphere and scientific research for New Belarus
review the current challenges for repressed Belarusian educators and scientists in Belarus and abroad;
  • Aliaksandr Milinkevich
  • Tania Marinich
  • Andrei Laurukhin
  • Maryia Taradzetskaya
  • Alaxandr Lozka
  • Inna Dobrotvor
  • Andrei Yahorau
  • Sviatlana Matskevich
  • Yuliya Bukshtanovich
  • Pavel Tserashkovich
  • Alina Koushyk
  • Sviatlana Kul-Sialverstava
  • Anastasiya Smaliak
  • Andrei Vardamatski
  • Tatiana Shchyttsova
  • Andrei Kazakevich
  • Alena Zhyvahlod, Leader of the Honest people;
  • Ales Lozka, Head of Belarusian Schools Association;
  • Aliaksandr Adamiants, Philosopher, Media analyst, Editor-in-chief of Novaya Evropa (New Europe);
  • Aliaksandr Milinkevich, Ph.D. of Physico-mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chancellor of European Humanities University;
  • Alina Koushyk, Representative of United Transitional Cabinet for National Revival;
  • Anastasiya Smaliak, Teacher, Film director, Montessori expert, coordinator of Montessori kindergarten and school for Belarusians abroad "I am at home", co-founder of the Belarusian International Montessori Institute;
  • Andrei Kazakevich, Director of the Institute of Political Research "Political Sphere", Political Scientist, Senior Research Officer at Vytautas the Great University, Kaunas;
  • Andrei Laurukhin, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, research director of Institute for Development and Social Market in Belarus and Eastern Europe, expert of the Education Office for the new Belarus, senior analyst of the Belarussian Institute for Strategic Studies, Expert of the Bologna Committee;
  • Andrei Vardamatski, Doctor of Sociology, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor at the University of Warsaw, Academic Director of Belarusian Analytic Studio;
  • Andrei Yahorau, political analyst, methodologist, analyst of the European Transformation Centre, international support coordinator of Svetlana Tsikhanouskaya’s Office;
  • Jan Malitsky, Director of the Center for East European Studies of the University of Warsaw;
  • Kamil Klysinski, Senior Fellow, Department for Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, The Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW);
  • Maria Taradzetskaya, Deputy Head and International secretary of the Belarusian Free Trade Union, Representative of the Belarusian Trade Union of Teachers;
  • Marina Sokolova, education policy analyst, Education Office for new Belarus; education policy consultant, Belarus Beehive project;
  • Marina Shapturenko, Doctor of Biology of National Academy of science of Belarus;
  • Pavel Barkousky, Philosopher, Publicist, Lecturer and Former Associate Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Belarusian State University;
  • Pavel Lieber, Creator of the platforms "Voice" and "Digital Belarus";
  • Pavel Tserashkovich, visiting researcher, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen; expert, Independent Bologna Committee;
  • Roza Turarbekova, Ph.D. of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Researcher at the Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, Germany; Visiting Professor of ENU (Astana, Kazakhstan); expert of the Belarusian independent expert community "Our Opinion" (Lithuania);
  • Sviatlana Kul-Selvestrava, Ph.D. of Historical Sciences, Belarusian historian and writer;
  • Sviatlana Matskevich, Metodologist, Expert in education, Professor of Academy "Ignatianum" in Krakov;
  • Tatsiana Marynich, Founder of Imaguru, Representative of Coordination Council for business and innovative economy;
  • Tatsiana Shchyttsova, Representative on Education and Science, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya Office; Professor of European Humanities University;
  • Viktar Klimus, representative of the Association of children multimedia production "Round table"
  • Volha Shparaga, Philosopher, Editor, Author of the book "The Female Face in the Revolution".
Participating Organizations :
Hosts and Partners:
Development Of Alternative Belarusian Education System in the Present Conditions